Coolalinga 83 lot Urban Residential and Commercial Subdivisions

Coolalinga 83 lot Urban Residential and Commercial Subdivisions

   Project Client

Gwelo Developments Pty Ltd



Date Published: 11 Jul '18

Scope of work:

We were engaged as Civil Consultants responsible for design and documentation of the subdivision and all services. Byrne Consultants’ role included assisting with planning, preparing planning layouts and representing the client at development consent meetings. Responsible for the design, documentation, approvals and construction certification of the subdivision.

Project Highlights:

This project presented several challenges given its location which is adjacent to a wet season lagoon and the associated high water tables. Byrne Consultants was responsible for obtaining approvals from Dept. Lands and Planning, NRETAS, Entomology, and Litchfield Shire. Byrne Consultants are currently developing the design for a new shopping centre to be located on the main commercial lot facing the Highway.

Other Projects

Magpies Oval/Grandstand – Palmerston
Henbury Schools Project
Darwin Middle School


(08) 8947 2476
T8, Ground Floor, Winnellie Point, 60 Winnellie Road, Winnellie NT 0820

Sunshine Coast.

07 5329 4507
Tenancy 6, Beerwah Plaza, 68 Simpson Street, Beerwah QLD 4519

Gold Coast.

(07) 5628 2794
Suite 124, 34 Glenferrie Drive, Robina QLD 4226

Let's Talk.